The ceiling of professional and personal growth is how we assess our worthiness. In other words, we assume that others see us the way we see ourselves.
How do we learn if we are worthy of love and respect? In our formative years, we take in how we are treated by significant people in our lives. Their treatment may have nothing to do with us, but we don’t have the capacity to make that discernment. Instead, we are sculpted according to the experience and limitations of the sculptors. This is how generational patterns emerge and replicate themselves. Oh, and how true they seem, because they are all we know!
Changing these patterns is a journey of faith. We must believe in what we have never experienced. We feel uncertain and even though the existing patterns are causing suffering we cling to them because they are familiar. “I know who I am as my parents’ child.” There is a stage in which we don’t know who we are. That is scary, but we are reorganizing our reality to include curiosity and unknown possibilities.
Change assumes that we have courage to explore what isn’t known. We admit to ourselves that there may be something about life and even about ourselves that we may not yet know. Most of us would rather know unworthiness and not take the chances needed to know worthiness. “I know how to be when I feel unworthy. I know how to act, and I know what to expect.” We would rather build off a flawed Blueprint than start a new one.
It’s a rough road to start a Worthiness Blueprint, one in which we deserve and are willing to invite possibilities beyond our earthly experience. It fills us with doubts and fears. But the life lived according to flawed Blueprints is a life not fully lived.
With love, Rosanne