If you want to predict how successful a person will be in life, unscrew the top of their head and pull out their self-concept. What we think about ourselves can be the platform that launches us, or the ceiling that limits us.
Some of us have been taught that self-criticism is the way to eliminate our flaws. We cherry pick those traits that are deemed negative and focus on them. If we do this without compassion and forgiveness, we create a biased view that becomes a limitation. Overly focusing on the need for improvement can tip the scales of self-concept and create negative self-talk, the basis of anxiety and depression.
This doesn’t mean we are in La-La Land not noticing those areas that need nurturing and growth, but we see them with equanimity, meaning from a peaceful center. We can also balance our need for growth with appreciation for that which is glorious and whole about us.
What’s going on in your thought process? Are you overly self-critical? Are you overly critical of others? (By the way, being overly critical of others is a projection of your own self-esteem!)
Compassion, balance and gratitude. A great formula to raise the ceiling.
With love, Rosanne