Can Gluten Cause Depression?
Are you suffering from depression? There are many theories on the causes of depression, but one that should be taken into consideration is how the foods we eat can affect our mental state, especially gluten. Studies indicate that gluten can affect the amount of tryptophan and serotonin in the body, which give feelings of happiness.
- The Health and Wellness Networking Group
In countless articles like the one above, we are seeing conventional views expanding. In the past, it was logical to believe that mood was dictated by the brain and the brain alone. Now research is exploring the role of the gut and its effect on mood.
What scientists have now discovered is that many of the neurotransmitters that establish a sense of calm and well-being are produced in the digestive system. It stands to reason that eating habits and their effect on the health of the digestive tract may be responsible for changes in mood as well as affecting our general health.
In our attempts to produce food in quantity, we may have ignored “quality,” and the impact of additives and substances that cause health challenges in our bodies.
It’s critical to know your “owner’s manual!” Become a student of the specific needs of your particular “earth suit.” (We’re not all the same!) Make decisions from a platform of knowledge and compassion for your body.
One way to accomplish a personalized formula is to Google “functional medicine” and see which practitioners may give you an in depth view of your food sensitivities, inflammatory processes and mood-affecting issues.
With love, Rosanne