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Rosanne Bostonian
Feb 4, 2019
When Fear Goes Away…
Fear is the legacy of primitive human survival. Our brains are wired to fear first and we are wise to heed the still, quiet voice that...

Rosanne Bostonian
Jan 7, 2019
The Swamp
As officials continue to run from the Trump administration with their hair on fire, I’m wondering if this is what the President...

Rosanne Bostonian
Dec 26, 2018
Melania Trump: Unintended Consequences
As a “people watcher,” our First Lady fascinates me. What a study in unintended consequences! I’m not overly familiar with her history,...

Rosanne Bostonian
Dec 1, 2018
Dental Floss and Q-Tips
By now you know that I believe strange questions need to be answered, and I’m officially designated to voice the quandaries. For...

Rosanne Bostonian
Nov 10, 2018
Reluctantly Embodied
Being human isn’t easy if you hadn’t noticed! In her book “The Highly Sensitive Person,” Elaine Aron shares that 10% of the population...

Rosanne Bostonian
Nov 1, 2018
Bird Poop
I know that’s an unusual title for a blog, so bear with me! There are mysteries in life that flash through our minds and never rise to...

Rosanne Bostonian
Oct 18, 2018
This is the season of harvest, but it has a melancholy feel. The trees are tired of supporting their leafy crowns and need to go within...

Rosanne Bostonian
Oct 8, 2018
"Smart" Everything
I think those little cars that people wear are called “Smart Cars.” I guess they’re great for gas mileage since they are basically a...

Rosanne Bostonian
Sep 17, 2018
The first day of school in Kindergarten, I was amazed that there were that many kids in the world that were my age! Yes, I saw a few in...

Rosanne Bostonian
Sep 6, 2018
“There is never a conflict with person or condition, but rather a false concept mentally entertained about person, thing, circumstance,...

Courtesy of Young Living
Aug 4, 2018
7 essential oil tips for weight management
Managing your weight can be a challenge; we know there are long-term health benefits to eating well and moving our bodies—no matter what...

Rosanne Bostonian
Aug 3, 2018
"My 600 Pound Life"
We humans are captivated by extremes. I was listening to the account of an accident in Delaware that claimed the lives of five of six...

Rosanne Bostonian
Jul 10, 2018
Seeing Isn’t Believing
People are divided into two groups: those who must see it to believe it, and those who believe it before they see it and create it. ...

Rosanne Bostonian
Jul 2, 2018
Teaching from the Heart
The art of teaching is more than being a purveyor of information. Maybe the trend toward distance learning, although useful for some,...

Rosanne Bostonian
Jun 20, 2018
Being Your Best Self
It’s hard to be your best self when others behave badly. In fact, we use disappointment in other people to excuse our own bad behavior. ...

Rosanne Bostonian
Jun 4, 2018
Look Homeward Angel
Ginger Bear, 1999 - 2018. #GingerBear #RosanneBostonian

Rosanne Bostonian
May 30, 2018
If it Feels Good…
Sometimes I wish I lived in a world where, “If it feels good, do it.” If you live in such a world, you’re either a member of another...

Rosanne Bostonian
May 23, 2018
Desire and the Chase
Doesn’t it seem that the more we chase the things we want in Life, the more elusive they seem to be? In Buddhist lore, desire and greed...

Rosanne Bostonian
May 14, 2018
Let Your Heart Break
What a curious title, considering that we humans use so much energy trying to avoid heartbreak and its miseries. Why should accepting...

Rosanne Bostonian
Apr 28, 2018
“Despair = Suffering – Meaning”
In his book “Man’s Search for Meaning,” Viktor Frankl documented his concentration camp incarceration during World War I. As a...
Rosanne Bostonian's Blogs
Rosanne posts her teachings and observations in this part of Essential Spirit. Enjoy her wisdom and learn from her years of study and practice. We encourage you to engage and share the pearls of wisdom found here. Let this be a space where you find not only information but also a source of inspiration, a platform for discussion, and a virtual sanctuary for your mind and soul.
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